First of all, About the contest (or the draw, whatever you want to call it). Be sure to activate your subscription via the mail sent to your inbox. That way I could see your email and include you in the draw.
So that's that.
Now, to my weekend's creations:
As you can see on my "To Scrap" list on the right, I didn't manage to make a greeting card for Ron & Lilach's wedding...
But I still created a greeting with a wedding theme.
And no, it's not the card for Ron & Ronit's wedding... Just in case you were wondering.
Anyway, I don't know if you've noticed but I tried to create with the circles something that would look like a wedding cake. That's why I added those cream-like dots.
I know, I know, this doesn't look quite like a cake. Well, I tried.
The other card I created was a "Thank You" greeting card:
As you can see, I'm very in to raised items on cards at the moment. I use foam adhesive tape a lot!
For the "Thank You!" I used a glitter gel pen after printing the phrase on to the deep purple cardstock.
That's all for this weekend. Have a lovely week everyone!
איזה יופי !
העיגולים חתוכים בצורה מושלמת, את חייבת להעביר לי את הסקיצה שלהםםםםם
איך ידעת שחשבתי האם זה יהיה הכרטיס שלנו? חחחח
I like the thank you card. Good design.
Starting A Greeting Card Business
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