Saturday, June 21, 2008

Weekend's Creations & Updates

First of all, About the contest (or the draw, whatever you want to call it). Be sure to activate your subscription via the mail sent to your inbox. That way I could see your email and include you in the draw.

So that's that.

Now, to my weekend's creations:
As you can see on my "To Scrap" list on the right, I didn't manage to make a greeting card for Ron & Lilach's wedding...
But I still created a greeting with a wedding theme.

And no, it's not the card for Ron & Ronit's wedding... Just in case you were wondering.
Anyway, I don't know if you've noticed but I tried to create with the circles something that would look like a wedding cake. That's why I added those cream-like dots.
I know, I know, this doesn't look quite like a cake. Well, I tried.

The other card I created was a "Thank You" greeting card:

As you can see, I'm very in to raised items on cards at the moment. I use foam adhesive tape a lot!
For the "Thank You!" I used a glitter gel pen after printing the phrase on to the deep purple cardstock.
That's all for this weekend. Have a lovely week everyone!


Anonymous said...

איזה יופי !

העיגולים חתוכים בצורה מושלמת, את חייבת להעביר לי את הסקיצה שלהםםםםם

איך ידעת שחשבתי האם זה יהיה הכרטיס שלנו? חחחח

Anonymous said...

I like the thank you card. Good design.

Starting A Greeting Card Business

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