Monday, March 2, 2009

My First Video

So I did it. I bought a tripod.
I've been thinking about it for some time now (remember - I said that there will be some changes around here... That's one of them).

I've decided that every once in a while I'll upload a video clip of me making something.

Now, since English is not my native language I've decided that I'm not going to speak in English in the clips (decided.. yeah, right. I've tried and tried - about 15 times - to record myself in English but I just sound terrible...).

Anyways, for today's video I've created a 3 by 3 box according to this tutorial at SCS and I decided to use this color combo from Kristina's blog.
So - wish me luck (or "brake a leg" or something) - Here's my very first video clip:

I started filming this video on Friday but I had so many problems that I had to finish it on Saturday (The camera's memory card was used up to the max, so I had to upload all the photos and clips to my computer and them continue with the filming; then, the batteries died on me, so I had to recharge them over night; then I made the base totally wrong so I had to make a new one and film it).
I'm thinking about editing all the mistakes and make a bloopers clip. We'll see...

Thanks for joining me, I hope you liked it.


Yana841 said...

Thank you very much
Great Video

Carolyn King said...

omgoodess---good for you!!! Looking great!

RONITIB said...

גדוללללללללל !!

תתחדשי על הסרטון - מחכה לבאים :)

Anonymous said...

You did a fabulous job!!! :)

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